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  • vanleuvenjohannes

Inclusive Clothing Project @ De Wal / vzw Kompas

Bijgewerkt op: 1 nov. 2020

Inspired by the creative drawings and creations of the guests at care center De Wal, I really wanted them to make a collection of clothing. This project was originally focused on SDG16: "Promote peaceful and inclusive societies." Through this project, people were able to donate clothing and receive it in a completely unique and original state. (Way more unique and original than most designs made by "professionals") The idea was to create a way of including these people and their talents in our society, through one of our most common and daily products: clothing. The workshop took place at 15/10/2019 and a photoshoot with the people and their new clothing was made later.

Here are some shots from during the workshop at care center De Wal.

These are some of the participants wearing their new, inclusive clothing designs. Spreading the word and lookin' good at the same time! Including the talents of these creative people more in our society would be really cool!

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